Saturday, April 25, 2009


Most people believe that a bullfight is a competition between a man and a bull; some, think is a sport.- It is not surprising, since the event is forbidden by law in the U.S.A., and a high percentage of the\ population have never seen one; and the ones that have, while traveling to Mexico or Spain, have not known or understood what was going on; this causing a very unfavorable reaction to the event.
First, a bullfight is not a competition or a sport. It is considered an art, in which the artist - the “Matador” - uses instead of paint and brush as his tools; a cape, sword, and essentially grace, courage, skill and personal style in his performance.

Because of the English word “bullfight”, many believe that it is, in some way, a sport. It is not. In Spanish, is called “corrida de toros”, with no reference to fighting in any way. Bullfights are not covered in the Sports section of newspapers, but in the “Culture” section. It is an art form, a show, like a play, a ballet or an opera.
It is not a competition, because the bull enters the ring to be killed. It was specially bred and raised to be fierce and aggressive; its purpose is to die in the bull ring instead of the slaughter house; demonstrating his fierceness and inbred qualities. There is a number of “ganaderias” (cattle ranchs) dedicated to breed this type of bulls; a few very famous in the bullfighting world, e.g. the “Miura” bulls, bred and raised in Spain, and some times imported by Peru, Mexico and other Latin American countries.

Very rarely a “Matador” is killed or wounded. “Manolete” (1917-1947) born in Cordova, Spain was the most legendary bullfighter in recent Spanish history. He imposed his own style. His feet not moving, made the bull look as charging around a pole, with the horns barely touching his clothing.His style was austere, brave and tough, but always elegant.- He was killed by a Miura bull named “Islero” at the Linares Bullring (Jaen), Spain, leaving that country and the taurine world in a state of shock.

If planning on going to a "corrida de toros", read about the event (in general) before you go, so you'll understand and appreciate what is going on.-

And please..! don't even think of seeing your first bullfight in a Mexican border town. It would mislead you, and you would come out of the bullring swearing never to go back. Go see your first ones, either in Mexico City or in any of the main cities of Spain, preferably when a famed matador is featured.

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